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Showing posts from April, 2015

2 Character and a setting - Final

2 Characters and a Setting - Final After weeks of work. I have completed my last animation for my 2nd year in ECA.  After being inspired by my friends, the animation took a different turn to my original idea. From showcase of friendship between pistol shrimp and goby fish to a hotpot meal....   Narrative - Michael Leung from ECA Animation on Vimeo .

2 Character project - Character design

I changed the design of the shrimp at the end to fit the description of pistol shrimp better.

Narrative - 2 Characters and a Setting.

2 Characters and a Setting For this project we have to create an animation based on 2 character and a setting that they are placed in. My choice is the Goby Shrimp Goby Shrimp is a pair of Pistol Shrimp and Goby fish. As the goby uses the shrimp's burrow for protection from predators, it also acts as "eyes" for the pistol shrimp. During the day, the goby hovers above the burrow, feeding and interacting with other gobies. Meanwhile, the shrimp uses its antennae to stay in constant contact with the goby's tail while searching for food (detritus, tiny crustaceans and worms) and maintaining the burrow opening. If a predatory fish approaches, the goby flicks its tail several times, alerting the shrimp to retreat into the burrow. If the predator comes within striking distance, the goby will dart headfirst into the burrow. During the night, the two simply rest together in the burrow.
Jewellery in Motion Animation & Jewellery collaboration For the final version of the advert I created some animated scenes. Final version.                      Group C - Living Memory from ECA Animation on Vimeo .
Jewellery in Motion Animation & Jewellery collaboration   I created a basic concept mechanic in Maya As well as some concept art Then I proceed to create a full version in Maya and rendered it.  

Jewellery in Motion

Jewellery in Motion Animation & Jewellery collaboration I proposed the idea of having animation on cogs in our first meeting, while it was well received however we did not know what would the object it self be. After some brain storming and discussing, I brought up an advert for Omega watches. This gave us a basic form and structure we are striking for, but making a watch itself was way too complicated for the student from jewellery. Therefore instead of creating animations on top of the functionality of the object, it would be a great idea to create one which its function is to animate. I found out by using the formula of gear ratio we would be able to create a very fast rotating cog (Output) by adjusting the cog (input) it is attached to.
10 x 10 x 15 Day 1 The Long Way Down                                              ECA-Leung/Subramaniam-01 from ECA Animation on Vimeo. Day 2 Chicken's Poem                                                      ECA-Leung/Yang-02 from ECA Animation on Vimeo. Day 3 Contact Lost                                          ...
2nd Semester's life drawings