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Formative Hand In

4th Year Final Animation Characters After discussing with my tutors, I have decided to go with an overall limited colour palette of old paper unless the characters are under certain lighting. This is achieved by having a base layer, then a layer of 3 colour range is added. Which is then set as overlay in post production. Production After the rigging of the characters I am ready to being production. I ahve already prepared most of the parts needed. The boat and paddle When setting up a scene, I extract the different components of my drawing and add depth to it in Maya Once of the main concern was the water aspect of the film. This is solved by applying a ramp shader with 2 colour on a ocean layer after converting it into polygons.  As you can soo the ocean are too off with the style I am looking for. After applying the ramp shader it fits much better. Music I have been working with Ollie Yang on the soundtrack of my film. Password: rootandcur...
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4th Year Project

After constructing the storyboard I need to to decide the general feel of the animation. Then afterward, I started building a test scene in 3D space. Deciding the building style. Firstly I looked at painting on photoshop and sculpting in Mudbox. However this didn't match my expectation. So I tried camera projection. Which turned out much better then the first method, so I have decided to go with camera projection.

4th Year Project

This is a very brief animatic of what I am aiming for.  The musics are not mine, this is to simply show what I would be aiming for. Also for the real deal there will be no singing, only music instruments.

4th Year Project

Character Designs At first I simply drew how I imagined the characters to be. However I feel that this character design is not true to the atmosphere of the setting. So I went back and stuided the pictures of the characters in the play. This is what I came up with next. I am very happy with the face and shape of my character so I kept developing the outfit. This is my final design. Based on this, I then designed my other character. Which I happens to be very happy with at the first draft!

4th Year Project

For my final year's film I have decided to make a film based on China's culture. To prepare for this I went and visited the oldest city in the whole of China, the Phoenix Old Town in Hunan. While I was there I watched a play call 邊城, it was a musical play that depicts the life of two lovers in the Phoenix Old Town. It shows the struggle of what the lovers wanted and the conflict of responsibility. When I was watching the play the character's design (clothing), enviornment and atmosphere very much inspired me, so I decided to create a version of own with reference to the play. The City The Play